Pursue What's PURE

Layers of An Onion

Watching my husband waste away from that horrible "C" word, I had a choice. Curl up in despair and exist until I can join him, or, Live. I chose Life. And, I want to help others so they don't have to go through what I did.

Our health is like an onion. There are layers of un-wellness that need to be addressed one at a time. The BioEnergitic Testing helps to show those layers and provides a "one step at a time" plan. The Rife Machine is a targeting tool. It focuses frequencies to help your body fight against the yucky stuff and rebuild the good stuff. (I have to be careful how I word things.)
Services Available
Bio Energetic Testing

Bio Kit Basic $150
  • Emailed Reports 
  • Two Energetic Carriers 
  • Recommended Supplementation Schedule 
  • Follow-Up Test 
  • Other Services
Bio Kit Pro $250
  • Emailed Reports 
  • Two Energetic Carriers 
  • Recommended Supplementation Schedule 
  • Up to 30 minute consultation 
  • Follow-Up Test
Bio Kit Premium $375
  • Emailed Reports 
  • Three Energetic Carriers 
  • Recommended Supplementation Schedule 
  • Up to 60 minute consultation 
  • Up to 2 Additional {Breakout} Scans 
  • Follow-Up Test
Rife Machine
  • 1 Session up to 60 mi........................................... $35
  • Package 6 Sessions............................................ $175
Ear Candling
  • 1 Candle per ear.................................................. $35 
  • 2 Candles per ear................................................ $45
Relaxing Massage
  • Half Hour............................................................ $35
  • One Hour............................................................ $65
Deep Tissue Massage
  • Half Hour............................................................ $50
  • One Hour............................................................. $85
Hot Stone Massage
  • Full Body............................................................. $95 
FAR InfraRed Solo Dome
  • Half Hour............................................................. $25
  • 45 Minutes........................................................... $35
  • One Hour ............................................................. $45

Join the Global Wellness Movement

All over the world, people are looking for natural alternatives to live healthier & happier. Come get inspired and receive support on your own journey!

Let's connect on Instagram  @oldschoolhealth